Saturday, June 23, 2018

Journal of Clinical Advances in Dentistry: Fabrication of Lingual Retainer made easy

Journal of Clinical Advances in Dentistry: Fabrication of Lingual Retainer made easy: Direct bonding of a lingual retainer is challenging because it requires a long working time on the lingual aspect of the anterior t...

Fabrication of Lingual Retainer made easy

Direct bonding of a lingual retainer is challenging because it requires a long working time on the lingual aspect of the anterior teeth. Due to no direct vision there is a risk of contamination from saliva and moisture, which can cause bond failure; and it is difficult to apply the adhesive exactly where it is needed. The indirect method described in this article shows an easy way to increase better-quality bonding of the retainer. Read more...

The Neuromuscular diseases in Pediatric Dental Office

The neuromuscular disorders may be hereditary, autoimmune, and in some cases with unknown etiology. These diseases are characterized by progressive course, muscle weakness, and in an advanced stage with binding the patient to a wheelchair. This group includes a number of diseases, but from the dental perspective, the most interesting are muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis and myasthenia gravis. Neuromuscular disorders affect the oral cavity and the impact on oral hygiene procedures should be monitored with great attention. Read more...

Bulls Eye For Bulls Teeth”- Endodontic Management of Taurodontism Using CBCT as A Diagnostic Tool- 2 Rare Case Reports

Taurodontism is a rare dental anomaly presented with an aberration of teeth that lacks the constriction at the level of the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ). It is characterized by elongated pulp chambers and apical displacement of bifurcation or trifurcation of the roots, forming a rectangular shape. Whilst, it appears most frequently as an isolated anomaly, its association with several syndromes and abnormalities has also been reported in the literature. Although permanent molars are most commonly affected, this anomaly could also be seen in deciduous dentition, unilaterally or bilaterally, and in any combination of teeth or quadrants. These morphological anomalies pose various challenges to the dentist during their endodontic treatment. Modern diagnostic tools such as Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), loupes and Dental operating microscopes (DOM) help in achieving better treatment outcome in such cases. The presented article elaborates diagnosis and successful management of 2 rare cases of taurodontism in permanent molars. Read more...

Bilateral Parasymphyseal Osteoma

Osteoma is a benign osteogenic tumor arising from the proliferation of cancellous or compact bone. In the facial bones, both central and peripheral osteomas have been described in the literature. Peripheral type of osteoma is the most common variant in the mandible, which occurs on the cortical bone surface. We present a case of a fourteen year old boy who had swelling on right and left parasymphyseal region. Radiographs revealed radiopacity having onion-peel appearance and histopathology gave the final diagnosis of osteoma. Periosteal reaction giving rise to onion peel appearance on the radiograph has been reported in Ewing sarcoma, Garre’s osteomyelitis and infantile cortical hyperostosis in the literature but our case shows that similar appearance can be there in osteoma as well. Read more...

Friday, June 22, 2018

Diagnosis and Treatment of Anterior Cracked Tooth: A Case Report

A cracked tooth may be challenging for dentists because it may present with varied intensities, may be asymptomatic, and may still not be clinically visible. The transilumination method can facilitate diagnosis and ensure appropriate treatment in such cases. The aim of the present article was to report a clinical case of an anterior cracked tooth with a nonesthetic class IV restoration. Read more...